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Advertise on Bitknowmics

We now offer a range of advertising options to get your Crypto-related business in front of hundreds of thousands of people per month.
Bitnowmics provides daily cryptocurrency related news and also specializes in writing in-depth reviews of companies, beginners guides and other related posts which have helped propel the website to thousands of social media followers and thousands of unique visitors per day in a very short space of time.

Banner Placements

Each banner placement houses one advertiser so you will be the only one in that position for the entire month.

Payment & Booking Information

Payments are accepted in Crypto only.
We can also combine any advertising offers or build something unique to suit your needs, Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Ad Placement 1


  • You can submit your Press Release which you have written and we will post it on the site along with links back to your site, social media profiles and any other links within it.
  • It will be posted within 24 hours and promoted on our Twitter and Facebook accounts.
  • The release is posted to the homepage and will remain in our archives permanently.
  • Your PR will also appear on partner sites such as Binance, Coinmarketcap, Coingecko & Dow Jones Factiva
  • PRs appear in the Press Release section on the homepage

Submit PR Here
Ad Placement 2


  • If you would like us to write an in-depth review or guide to your product or about your company, we offer this service and can turn around your article within 48 hours.
  • Once posted, it will then be promoted on our Twitter and Facebook accounts.
  • Your post will also appear on partner sites such as Binance, Coinmarketcap and other social media platform.
  • Sponsored posts are 1,200+ Words in length.
  • Sponsored posts appear within the regular posts on the homepage

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Ad Placement 3


  • This is the required option for Exchanges, Brokers, Trading Platforms, Gambling Sites, Trading Bots.
  • We will write an indepth review or guide which will include all the relevant information, screenshots and other things that potential customers will need to know.
  • Your post will also appear on partner sites such as Binance, Coinmarketcap and other social media platforms
  • Exchange posts are 1,500+ words in length.
  • Sponsored posts appear within the regular posts on the homepage

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Ad Placement 1
728 x 90 Top of post


  • A 728px x 90px Banner which runs at the top of the content in every post.
  • Only one advertiser in this spot, you will receive 100% of the views

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Ad Placement 2
728 x 90 bottom of the post


  • A 728px x 90px Banner which runs at the bottom of the content in every post.
  • Only one advertiser in this spot, you will receive 100% of the views

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Ad Placement 3
300 x 250 Top of Sidebar


  • A 300px x 250px Banner which runs at the Top of the sidebar.
  • Only one advertiser in this spot, you will receive 100% of the views

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Ad Placement 1
300 x 250 middle of sidebar


  • A 300px x 250px Banner which runs at the Middle of the sidebar.
  • Only one advertiser in this spot, you will receive 100% of the views

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Ad Placement 2
300 x 250 footer of sidebar


  • A 300px x 250px Banner which runs at the footer of the sidebar.
  • Only one advertiser in this spot, you will receive 100% of the views

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Ad Placement 3
Floating Footer Banner


  • A Banner which runs at the footer
  • Only one advertiser in this spot, you will receive 100% of the views

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